Deadwood season 3 episode 4 al swearingen quotes
Deadwood season 3 episode 4 al swearingen quotes

deadwood season 3 episode 4 al swearingen quotes

The pair did come to Deadwood together, but hadn't known each other long before that. It's suspected that their connection has been conflated over the years as a part of the blossoming tall tales of the Old West. Calamity Jane and Wild Bill weren't really that close. Babcock believed that without her care not one of them would have pulled through." 9. She wore a dark cloth coat that never had been good, a cheap little hat, a faded frayed skirt and arctic overshoes … She came unscathed through the long smallpox siege and most of her patients lived. "She was a plain woman, looking older than she really was. In Estelline Bennett's Old Deadwood Days, she paints a picture of Calamity Jane (a.k.a. This generous action has been historically documented, along with Jane's trademark rough-and-tumble appearance.

deadwood season 3 episode 4 al swearingen quotes

In season one, smallpox hits Deadwood and Doc and Jane see to the afflicted. David Milch didn't want Ian McShane to audition for the role of Al Swearengen. Eventually, he was run out of Deadwood and died of a massive head wound that was either caused by a fall from a failed leap onto a freight train or a willful act of murder. His wife publicly accused him of domestic abuse. He was a sex trafficker, tricking women into coming to Deadwood to work in his various business ventures-like a theater-but then forcing them into prostitution. The real Swearengen was much less admirable. In Deadwood, Ian McShane's Al Swearengen is a pimp, crook, and murderer, but he is also the protector of the "crippled" Jewel and grimly civic-minded. The real Al Swearengen was no romantic anti-hero. He has a fierce looking melodrama-villain's mustache and wears a sombrero." 5. The Chicago Tribune later ran a delightful description of Bullock: "Bullock attracted general attention around the White House today. That last vocation earned him the aforementioned reputation, which endeared him to Theodore Roosevelt, whom Bullock later successfully helped campaign for the presidency of the United States. He invested in the community, headed health care boards, and became the town's first sheriff. As in the show, Seth Bullock came to Deadwood with his friend Sol Star to open a hardware store.

Deadwood season 3 episode 4 al swearingen quotes